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The logo for acacia research group llc is black and blue.

Acacia Research Group is an industry leader in patent licensing. By partnering with patent owners, Acacia applies its deep legal and technology expertise to patent assets to unlock financial value. An intermediary in the patent market, Acacia facilitates efficiency and delivers monetary rewards to the patent owner.

Acacia Research partners with disenfranchised patent owners, including individual inventors, universities, and large multi-national corporations in the technology, medical and industrial industries. A disenfranchised patent owner is technology and patent rich but capital poor, having never received fair compensation for the unauthorized use of its patented inventions. Acacia strives to reward patent owners for their creative genius. Because of legislative and regulatory changes, patent licensing has become increasingly difficult and expensive for patent owners, resulting in a significant number of high-quality but financially under-performing patent assets. This necessitates an experienced, deep-pocketed licensing partner. Acacia focuses solely on the patent market, and has emerged as the leading independent patent licensing company in the secondary market.

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